Heart Unions Week 12 – 18 February 2018
From the 12th to 18th of February 2018, GMB will be joining the TUC in a special week of action throughout England and Wales. As part of the Heart Unions campaign, we’ll be showcasing the amazing work unions do, and telling the stories of ordinary members and reps.
We’ll be putting a lot of things online and on social media. This is where you can help. We want to get you involved to help highlight how people are active in unions, to tell positive union stories to the wider public, and recruit new members to the union movement. Its even more important now after the Trades Union Act as the Government continues to attack unions that we continue to grow stronger and recruit more members.
All you need to do is to post a picture of you on social media holding a Love Unions Especially GMB Card . If you do this on Twitter, use the hashtag #heartunions and tweet us and the Region at @gmbbolton23 and @unionpeople If you want to add a bit about why you are a union member and what you love about being in a union then all the better.
Posted: 9th February 2018