Regional News

CEC Elections have now closed, please see below results of the Regional seats and National reserved seats.
Posted: 20th May 2024

CEC Elections have now closed, please see below results of the Regional seats and National reserved seats....
Posted: 20th May 2024

CEC Election Booklet
The above booklet is presently being sent to all GMB members in the region, as part of the Central Executive Council election ballot. It has been brought to our attention that one of the Candidates in the Women's Reserved Seat election has some wording missing from their statement contained in the booklet produced by the Independent Scrutineer.
To remedy this, please see the correct election statements below of both candidates for the Women's Reserved Seat, for your information.
A link to this webpage has been sent out to members by text.
Apologies for any confusion this may have caused.
Posted: 30th April 2024

Please read the poster for important information regarding the upcoming CEC Election Ballot...
Posted: 17th April 2024

It is with regret that we have to inform you of the tragic passing of former Regional Secretary, Bill Smith.
Bill was the Regional Secretary from 1995-1998, but had been a Regional Organiser for many years previously.
Please join us in sending condolences to Bill's family and friends. For anyone who knew Bill and would like to pay their respects in person, please see below his funeral details:
Friday, 22 March
13:30 at St Francis de Sales Church
75 Hale Road
L4 3RL
14:40 at Anfield Crematorium
238 Priory Road
L4 2SL
15:00 at Our Lady of Sorrow
Pirrie Road
L9 6AA
Posted: 19th March 2024

Following on from the Manchester United vs Liverpool FA Cup game on Sunday I feel I need to say something.
I have been a Utd fan for over 50 yrs and watched them all over the World and I have seen the rivalry first hand over many years at Old Trafford and Anfield but Sundays game was at another Level, I have no problem with Man United fans and Liverpool fans mocking each other it's called football rivalry but we really need to take a stand over the Tragedy chanting, it is getting out of hand from all sides and needs stopping. But the bigger issue here I believe is the missed opportunity for the likes of Gary Neville and others to call it out.
I actually like Neville for his honesty, and pride in wearing the Utd shirt, he showed it as a player and that's OK. but please use your platform to call out #Hillsborough shouts and death mocking.
Few get in a position to make a difference, use it, call it out and the rivalry will still be there.
The silence from all sides is embarrassing from people in a position to make a difference.
It's a topic they all seem to avoid. just like silence from people who can make a difference is deafening.
We need to come down heavy on those found guilty of Tragedy chanting, Football brings so much joy to so many people all over the world, there is no need for people to be chanting in that way.
If you hear that type of chanting, go to a steward, report it through the proper authorities, and you can change things. We can’t have the minority spoiling it to the Majority!
Neil Smith
Political Officer
GMB North West & Irish Region...
Posted: 19th March 2024

Today our GMB Northern Ireland public sector members took to the picket lines over an ongoing pay and grading dispute, as well as dignity and respect at work.
The cost-of-living crisis is worse in Northern Ireland than anywhere else in the United Kingdom. Instead of the Tory government using our members as pawns in a political game, it is about time they acknowledge that they are worth more!
We call for hundreds of millions of pounds more to be pumped into the public sector, which then must find its way into the pockets of our hardworking members!
Posted: 18th January 2024

We wish Jamie and his team all the very best of luck in Hong Kong, our union is behind you. As a trade union we understand how hard it is for amateur sports people to support their passion and keen to help Jamie and the Lacrosse team Great Britain, as we do in the workplace for people on the shop floor.
Jamie sent us this message,
''Hi GMB union NW&I,
I just wanted to say a massive thank you to the region for the sponsorship which is helping me in my quest to represent GB and England in two world tournaments over the next 12 months.
Over the Christmas period I have been representing Great Britain at the Lacrosse World Sixes Tournament in Hong Kong. As I write, we have successfully beaten The Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan & China to progress to the Gold Medal Final game against Germany on Sunday 31st Dec.
The opportunity of playing in the far east with the different time zones and climate has been a real experience and one I could not be enjoying without your support.
As you may know, Lacrosse is an amateur sport in the UK, so we have to support ourselves, including the purchase of our own kit and contribute travel fares, so your amazing contribution is not only helping me support my dream but also (hopefully)making people proud.
One more game to go, let's hope it Gold.
Thanks GMB union''
Posted: 31st December 2023

Alastair Morgan speaking at our Campaigns for Justice Conference (2018)
Since his tragic murder in 1987, members of Daniel Morgan’s family – notably his brother Alastair – have been campaigning for justice for the last 35 years. Earlier this week, at least seventy documents, comprised of ninety-five pages, which should have been given to the official policing inspectorate, as part of the inquiry into Daniel’s murder, were found inside a locked cabinet inside the Metropolitan Police’s HQ in Scotland Yard. As a result of this discovery, calls for a reopening of or a fresh inquiry into the code of conduct within the Met have re-emerged. In this latest revelation, these documents were first discovered four months ago, in January 2023, a shocking 18 months after the inquiry report was published.
Daniel’s murder is an enormous stain on the Met’s history and reputation; and whilst they accept that corruption hindered the hunt for his killers, Morgan’s family believe those who took Daniel’s life had direct ties to corrupt police officers, as well as the disgraced and disbanded News of the World tabloid newspaper. In response to this latest discovery of documents, the Morgan family has questioned why it took the Met so long to notify them and the public, saying, ‘no explanation has been forthcoming as to why it took the Met over four months to inform us of this development.’ They added that ‘we were informed last night – by way of a letter from assistant commissioner Barbara Gray – that these documents had been ‘stored in a locked cabinet at New Scotland Yard following a handover between senior officers in 2014’ and accessed only when ‘the Met forced entry into this secure storage’ in January 2023.’
The Met described this discovery as ‘deeply unacceptable and regrettable.’ However, no amount of regret will suffice for the years of grief and hardship Alastair, and other members of Daniel’s family have endured. In response, the Morgan family said, ‘what we see here is precisely the kind of conduct that was identified as institutional corruption in the panel’s June 2021 report: the Met’s first objective remains to protect itself, concealing its failings for the sake of its public image and reputational benefit.’ Justice for Daniel is a campaign close to home within the GMB Union, and the North West & Irish region has been viciously vocal for several years about the scathing injustice Daniel and his family have been subject to. Alastair and his family are close friends of the region and union, and we always have, and always will, support him, until true justice for Daniel has been achieved.
Neil Smith, Political Officer
Shaun Nash, Campaigns & Communications...
Posted: 11th May 2023

In the lead up to Mental Health Awareness week the GMB union Education team organised series of campaigning events. Although the “official” dates are May 15-21, our reps and members are facing unprecedented pressure and stress in their jobs every day.
This excessive pressure can lead to stress and anxiety, both classified as mental health categories under the Disability label within the Equality Act.
Two specific one day courses supporting reps and branches to demand better relations under their recognition agreements were held in March. They were targeting improved policies including mental health, bullying and harassment, menopause and better risk assessments for all health & safety matters.
A number of workplaces, where reps took part, have already seen a rise in levels of activity in these areas, including a much improved menopause policy and risk assessments in the field of Hand Arm Vibration work at Knowsley Council. In Jacobs following their lengthy industrial action the union branch has confronted management on health and safety practices and are launching legal challenges against arbitrary cuts in the sick pay scheme. GMB union members in Greater Manchester Police have submitted grievances on behalf of civilian staff who have been placed in unacceptable positions. Reps have forced their employer to introduce training on diversity for staff, with the union playing a major part in that education process.
Two specific one day sessions were organised in Liverpool working with United Utilities members and by Tameside Branch, both targeting mental health as an issue for members. The Thameside event takes place in Hyde on Friday May 11, contact Linda Mercer for more information. The UU inspired event attracted a wide range of reps not just from UU but across sectors. The theme is very much training and campaigning against the current attacks on GMB union members, particularly our reps.
At the event in Columbus Quay reps were quick to get to their feet and give powerful indictments and direct experiences of bullying of members, but then turning on them for daring to challenge the behaviours of managements. UU and Regional chair Billy Goulding introduced the sessions with guest appearances by new regional secretary Denise Walker and General Secretary Gary Smith who both warmly welcomed the initiative and encouraged the increase in campaigning.
Billy then introduced the first speaker who works tirelessly on health and safety campaigning, Chair and co-ordinator of the impressive Hazards Campaign Janet Newsham led off on the need to promote prevention of stress. Her powerful presentation highlighted the importance of the approach of the GMB in preventing stress by arguing for the HSE management standards and she pointed out how bullying and similar undermining of individuals and union agreements can and has led to suicides.
Regional Health & Safety officer Paul Holleran addressed the need for the union to give unyielding practical support to our reps. Describing the reps as the “GMB’s most precious asset”, Paul introduced a range of speakers including Tim Collins branch secretary and convenor at Jacobs, reps Zander Sumner and Tony Lynch of Merseycare, Linda Mercer branch secretary Tameside and Miriam Fryar from United Utilities. All speakers gave examples of the day to day struggles and pressure then turned on them by managers and HR.
Paul Holleran explained the increased pressure and attacks on these, and many other reps was because they were returning to work following regional training courses and running rings around their managements – who couldn’t handle it. Those present all agreed to recruit more reps and get them trained; step up pressure on poor managements by recruiting; taking grievances and legal action where relevant and negotiating better policies rather than allow employers to get away with incompetence and vexatious targeting of GMB union members....
Posted: 9th May 2023

Posted: 4th May 2023

GMB union Daniel McCann at Clock View NHS TRUST
Video of GMB union Daniel McCann at Clock View NHS TRUST...
Posted: 4th May 2023

FCC Waste Services 2022 GMB trade union
Video of FCC Waste Services 2022 GMB trade union...
Posted: 4th May 2023

Ruth Pitchford and Andrew Trickett – GMB NWI Young Members went over to Burnley, to support the GMB Branch in celebrating International Workers Day. Yearly, a festival is held at Townelley park which invites local crowds to attended.
Andrew and fellow GMB Burnley member Tommy, walked proudly displaying the branch banner alongside sister trade unions and the Labour Party.
Branch Secretary Alan Flatley said ‘It was great to be supported by our regional young members, especially as it’s an important day within the TUC calendar. It’s important that we remember why we have these days and to keep the passion alive’.
A rally was held with speakers from Trade Unions, Oliver Ryan – PPC Labour Candidate for Burnley and Angela Raynor – Deputy Leader of Labour Party.
Solidarity to all workers....
Posted: 4th May 2023

Brilliant day of campaigning on International Workers Memorial Day in Manchester’s Lincoln Square. Local singer-songwriter Clare Mooney opened and closed the rally with her “Enough is Enough” and songs of rebellion.
GMB Union Education/Health & Safety Organiser Paul Holleran was first speaker with a speech targeting bad employers and poor managers. Highlighting workers can be killed quickly in accidents at work or slowly poisoned to death through chemicals, asbestos and dusts. He said the physical and mental damage done to union members was unacceptable and unions needed to fight and campaign industrially, legally and politically to protect workers.
Other speakers included UCU Officer Marie Monaghan who is involved in the Long Covid Campaign along with Janet Newsham of the Hazards campaign.
Posted: 3rd May 2023

Last year, our members at Sherwin Williams (Speke, Liverpool) reluctantly accepted a 4% pay rise. This year, they are determined to receive a better pay offer, which equates for the changes throughout the site; including a smaller workforce, a 33.9% increase in retained profits on the previous years and an enormous turnaround in the site's productivity and standards.
Earlier this year on January 10th, despite the company’s pledge to get things done as quickly as possible, we had to approach them regarding this year's pay deal. At the meeting, our workplace rep, Gary Edwards, rightly suggested that it was the company’s responsibility to value their workforce and put an offer on the table that displays their appreciation for the improvements throughout the site.
Despite the sense of urgency from our end, the company did not act for almost two months, when on February 28th they offered an insulting 5% pay rise; a mere additional 1% on last year's offer, with no acknowledgment of having fewer salaries to pay, 33.9% retained profits nor the site becoming a textbook example for others to follow. Unsurprisingly, this offer was unanimously rejected by our members. Furthermore, we asked whether this offer was final, to which the company did not respond until April 5th. The measly 5% remained, however there was a slight improvement with a £1000 one off payment, which was quickly overshadowed by changes to shift times, and an increase in hours per week.
Once again, our members decided this was not enough, considering the internal changes and external pressures from the cost-of-living crisis, they chose to unanimously reject this offer as well. Moreover, members took the decision to vote in favour of action up to and including strike action. In the meantime, adding insult to injury, the annual company share bonus was awarded, which is typically £1,100 per employee, however this year it was reduced to £656, despite the company enjoying a record £201m turnover, which is a 69% increase on the previous year. Last but not least, currently the company’s credit score is 97/100, which suggests a very low risk of business failure over the next twelve months; and supports our assertions that the company can and must offer a better pay deal for our members.
Industrial action is a last resort for our members, it is never taken lightly due to the physical and emotional pressures it can have. Nonetheless, we feel so strongly that Sherwin Williams are undervaluing our members, and for that we must act. Notice was served to the employer on April 26th, followed by the Civica ballot running from May 04th to 18th. Our members desire a 10% pay rise, and in the meantime will be working to rule. If no negations or changes to the offer are made in due course, then we anticipate strike dates will be scheduled throughout June 2023....
Posted: 2nd May 2023

An update for GMB union members at Asda on the twilight consultation - removal of stores
Dear Members
Following on from the hard work of our National Representatives, a further 56 ASDA stores have been removed from the original proposal, and Colleagues at those stores are no longer at risk of redundancy.
This comes after ASDA looked into the challenges raised by GMB union with regards to the current night operation, things that would make the new proposal very difficult to operate.
Clearly there are still 110 stores in scope. We have identified that a significant number of these sit in 'high risk and ultra-high risk' areas. Asking workers, many women, to leave work late at night with no public transport - particularly in these high-risk areas is not acceptable and that will be the line we take with the Company.
In addition to this, Asda are looking at extending the replenishment window earlier to 6pm for cage-based replenishment, allowing for marginally longer shifts which will help protect hours for impacted Colleagues.
There will be four new operating models for twilights depending on each store and how it runs.
We have 11 stores in this Region that have been removed from this consultation.
Posted: 12th April 2023

What is the GMB union position on the pay offer 2023/2023
Nov/Dec 2022 - GMB union Regions consulted members on pay aspirations
11 Jan 2023 - GMB union National Local Government & School Support Staff Committees agree GMB union Pay Claim
16 Jan 2023 - GMB presents pay claim to recognised unions (Unison & Unite). Joint unions agree joint pay claim.
30 Jan 2023 - Unions submit joint union pay claim to LGA.
Feb 2023 - LGA consult local authority employers on pay claim.
23 Feb 2023 - Pay offer received.
7 Mar 2023 - GMB union National Local Government & School Support Staff Committees agree to recommend reject of the pay offer if no improvements can be secured.
8 Mar 2023 - Pay negotiations with LGA. No further improvements.
At a time, when the cost of living continues to increase significantly for all of us, this pay offer is a real terms pay cut. This offer is also made without central funding from Government which means the financial responsibility will fall to local councils, employers and schools.
GMB union National Local Government and Schools Committee’s consists of elected representatives from all GMB union Regions. They have considered the pay offer in detail and believe that this pay offer falls short of our expectations at this time and agreed to recommend rejection of the pay offer.
GMB union members will now be given the opportunity to vote to either accept the offer, or reject and express and interest to potentially participate in future industrial action.
What is a consultative ballot?
A consultative ballot offers all members a vote to have their say on pay. Members can vote to accept or reject the offer. A rejection of the pay offer also indicates a willingness to participate in industrial action to pursue the campaign for a pay increase.
How do I vote?
Each GMB region is running their own ballots, using a variety of methods i.e. workplace ballots, email, SMS, postal, etc. Contact your local GMB union Representative or Office to request details of how you can vote.
Why should I vote?
This is your opportunity to have your say on your pay and to let GMB union, your employer and the Government know, whether you accept or reject this pay offer. As a union member, it’s crucial that you don’t miss this chance to vote. The higher the turnout of member votes we receive, the more accurate reflection we have of our members views on their pay.
Trade union laws, also require us to receive a majority of members returning their ballot papers and voting to reject the pay offer, if we are to consider any form of industrial action.
What’s the schedule for the consultation?
In GMB all members have a say on their pay and GMB union regions will shortly be launching consultative ballots. The pay ballot will open Monday 20th March 2023 and close Friday 28th April 2023 at midday.
Only union members in recognised unions will have an influential vote in this ballot to indicate whether a majority of employees accept or reject the pay offer. The recognised unions are GMB union, Unison and Unite.
If accepted by the majority of the unions membership then the offer will apply from 1st April, 2023. If rejected by the majority of the members an industrial action campaign will start.
What happens when the vote closes?
Once the ballot closes on Friday 28th April 2023 at midday GMB union Organisers and reps will meet to consider the results and determine the next steps in this campaign. An all-members communication will be issued with the results.
What will happen if GMB union members reject the pay offer?
If the pay offer is rejected by the majority of GMB union members we will look to move to a formal ballot for industrial action where minimum return thresholds have been met. (Over 50% of eligible members return their ballot papers with a majority voting to reject).
I’m not a member can I vote?
Only GMB union members can vote. Join today at and you can have your say on pay. Once you have joined, contact your local GMB office/branch to request a ballot paper....
Posted: 20th March 2023

Union members in the North West and Northern Ireland ballot now open for local government, council and schools.
Your union recommends that you reject this pay offer, because you are worth more.
GMB union pay ballot covering all workers across local government, school & academies that follow National Joint Council (NJC Green Book) pay, terms and conditions across England, Wales and Northern Ireland is now open.
In GMB union only members have their say on pay and we now need you to take part in this important ballot and let us know if you are prepared to accept or reject the pay offer.
The closing date for the ballot is Friday 28th April 2023.
GMB union joint Local Government and Schools Committee representatives have discussed the pay offer and believe that you are worth more than the current pay offer and are recommending that you vote to REJECT
A vote to reject, is also your vote in favour of industrial action as a next step in this campaign if there is no improvement to the current offer.
From school support staff to refuse workers, from town hall workers to social workers. Hundreds of occupations are covered by this pay offer. (Approximately 1 million workers plus are covered).
2023/24 Local Government & Schools Pay offer is for one year and is as follows:
With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of £1,925 on all NJC pay points 2 - 43 (FTE). This equates to 9.42% for SCP2 and no less than 3.88% for SCP43. (This will be pro rata for part time and term time only workers).
With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of 3.88% on all allowances (as listed in the 2022 NJC pay agreement circular dated 1 November 2022)
The employers also responded to other elements of the pay claim as follows:
Union Claim - A review of the pay spine, including looking at the top end, and discussions about the link between how remuneration can be used to improve retention.
Employer Response - The Joint Secretaries will enter into exploratory ‘without prejudice’ informal discussions in order to map out the practical considerations of how and when the pay spine might be reviewed once the future policy direction of the National Living Wage has been confirmed.
Union Claim - A review and improvement of NJC terms for family leave and pay.
Employer Response - Agree to enter into discussions on the broader family leave and pay issues.
Also to incorporate into the National Agreement’s Maternity Scheme, the statutory provisions that provide for an additional week’s leave for each week a neonatal baby is in hospital, for up to 12 weeks, paid currently at the statutory rate of £156.66 per week (or 90% of earnings, if less).
Union Claim - Consideration of a flat rate increase to hourly rates of pay in order to bring the minimum rate up to £15 per hour within two years.
Employer Response - Reject that outcomes are reviewed as these are matters for local determination.
They are aware that model profiles for school support staff roles are ten years old. They propose that the Job Evaluation Technical Working Group will conduct a review of all the 2013 profiles.
Union Claim - Establish model role profiles for school support staff jobs, with advisory banding structures.
Employer Response – Rejected
Union Claim - An additional day of annual leave for personal or well-being purposes
Employer Response – Rejected
Union Claim - A homeworking allowance for staff for whom it is a requirement to work from home.
Employer Response – Rejected
Union Claim - A homeworking allowance for staff for whom it is a requirement to work from home.
Employer Response – Rejected
Union Claim - A reduction in the working week by two hours.
Employer Response – Rejected
GMB union is now asking you to vote to accept or reject the pay offer.
GMB union Local Government & Schools Committees are recommending that you REJECT.
What happens next is up to you. We need all our members to have their say on pay. Make sure you get your ballot paper and vote. If you have not received your ballot paper, please contact your local GMB union branch/office....
Posted: 20th March 2023

The government has made a paid offer, following days of intensive talks with the Secretary of State for Health,
GMB union is happy to announce.
The result is a big win for members.
The details of the offer are –
- A non-consolidated increase on 2022/23 pay of 2% for everyone and an additional 4% of the pay bill which will be a covid recovery bonus and shared across the pay bands. See the table at the bottom of this email. This is in addition to the money already received in 2022/23 (£1,400 for all, enhanced to 4% for top of Band 6 and all of Band 7).
- A 5% increase for 2023/24 pay for all, enhanced to 10.4% for Bands 1-2 to ensure they are lifted clear of the Real Living Wage.
- New money to pay for both 2022/23 and 2023/24 increases and not from existing health budgets.
- A range of non pay issues, including career development and support, job evaluation, tackling violence and aggression, staffing levels, plus more.
This is a very significant offer and marks a major step forward for GMB members.
As recently as the start of this month, the Government were saying 2022/23 pay was locked away, buried deep down, and would not be reopened. But, because GMB ambulance workers and NHS staff stood strong, they have been forced to change.
The same applies for 2023/24 pay, where the original budget was for a 2% increase.
And, we have consistently campaigned for an end to the situation where NHS spine points were below the Real Living Wage. In fact in recent years, they had fallen below the National Living Wage. We have secured an offer this year to lift the lowest paid above the Real Living Wage.
We have made major advances and are recommending acceptance of this offer.
All member ballots will now follow and are expected to run throughout April. You will receive more details in the coming days.
GMB members in Wales will receive further communication as separate negotiations with the Welsh Government are ongoing.
This is a big moment and would not have happened without your strength and commitment.
Posted: 17th March 2023