Pride and Equalities
As an active GMB Branch within the North West and Irish region of the GMB, our branch has always been proud to stand alongside members who experience problems at work or in their communities.
True equalities is allowing and supporting an individual to be the person they were meant to be . We challenge negative attitudes towards the LGBT+ community and continue to lobby for rights and progress through policy development and in our campaigns.
We support and promote membership of GMB Shout! North West and if you would like further details please contact 0151 727 0077 or contact the branch. We give complete assurance we will not reveal your identity or sexuality.
Pictures below are from Bury Pride 2022 , pictured are Bolton 23 members with Dave Hope Wigan Branch and Just A Ball Games Lindsay and Castro.
If you’d like to be more involved supporting Prides – allies are welcome too and we are looking forward to Bolton Pride later this year

GMB Trades Union campaigns and fights for better rights, pay and conditions for all workers including those who identify as LGBT+ workers.
Ensuring that equality is at the forefront of everything we do – making work and society a better, safer place for everyone – is part of our core values.
This has to include Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender worker voices, whether it’s tackling homophobia in the workplace, celebrating Pride, or supporting our regional self organised LGBT+ groups.
GMB also campaigns and lobbies the government at both a local and national level on a range of equality issues. Being a member of GMB is therefore also about ensuring that LGBT+ voices are heard not just at work but also in wider society.
Our branch plays an active part in GMB’s Equality Structures and are delighted to support local prides across the region.
Bolton Pride 2022.

Bolton Pride took place after a two year break and the people of Bolton came out in force and the sun just kept shining.
As a branch we were delighted to be joined by our National GMB President Barbara Plant and Regional GMB NWI President Billy Goulding. Here they are pictured trying our local delicacy – pasties. Both Barbara and Billy enjoyed sampling pastie barms and helping out on our stall.
We were joined on the day by Just a Ball Game and GMB NWI Shout. Great to see so many friends, members and visitors.